Godfrey & Kahn Fitness
Complete 3-5 rounds x 45-sec each exercise with 30-sec breaks in between exercises
Cardio Day A
- High knee taps
- Squat with oblique stand crunch each side (Squat, stand, crunch left side, squat, stand, crunch right side, repeat)
- Lateral squat walk
- Jumping alternate lunges
- Russian twist
Modification Exercises:
- March in place
- Squat with waist twist to each side then stand (repeat with or with out weights)
- Lateral squat walk
- Stationary forward lunges
- Crunches
5 rounds x 45-sec each exercise with 30-sec breaks in between exercises
Cardio Day B
*4 min warm-up to help burn extra calories prior to engaging abs, repeat 2x
- 30-sec high knee taps
- 30-sec jump squats
- 30-sec jumping jacks
- 30-sec running in place
Perform each exercise for 30 seconds followed immediately with 20 mountain climbers (Exercise, mountain climbers, exercise, …)
- Penguin side heel touches
- Mountain climbers
- Half crunch/ Sit up
- Mountain climbers
- Plank twists
- Mountain climbers
- Oblique side crunch (one side)
- Oblique side crunch (other side)
- Mountain climbers
- Single leg alternating V-Up crunch
- Mountain climbers
- Laying on back leg raises
- Mountain climbers
- Scissors
- Mountain climbers
Pick a cardio warm-up for 10-15 minutes before a workout circuit.
*In case there's not a cardio machine available, try a run, walk, or bike prior or after your workout.
- Biking
- Treadmill
- Stairmaster
- Elliptical
Circuit A
(3-5 rounds)
- Reverse lunge into side lunge = 10-15x’s
- Single leg bridge=10-15x’s
- (2) Pushups +renegade rows = 5-10xs
- Plank up and downs from Hands to forearms= 5-10x's
- Knee to elbow crunches=15-20x's
Modification A
- Reverse lunge using wall support=10-15x's
- Regular glute bridge (hip raises) 10-15x's
- Regular pushups or knee pushups= 5-10x's
- Plank holds on elevated surface (couch or chair) =30- secs
- Sit-ups =15-20x's
Circuit B
(3-5 rounds)
- Squat jumping jacks (can be used with band around ankles) =10-15's
- Jump rope or run in place= 30-45 sec
- Bent over row with band or towel back extension= 15-20x's
- Lying leg raises= 10-15x's
- Superman’s= 10x’s- failure
- Side to side squat (3 steps each direction)= 10x’s each way
Modification B
- Jumping jacks=10-15x's
- Jog in place= 30-45 sec
- Towel back extension=15-20x's
- Lying leg raises=10-15x's
- Superman’s=10x’s
- Squat with left leg tap out, then right leg tap out, repeat= 10xs each way
Circuit C
(3-5 rounds)
- Jump squats = 15-20x's
- Wall sit with shoulder raises (Can use weights)= 15x’s
- Glute bridge raises with 3 sec hold at top = 10-15x's
- Lying alternating leg raises with toe touch= 10-15x's each leg
- Standing cross ab crunch elbow to knee = 10-15x's each side
Modification C
- Squat= 15-20x's
- Wall sit with arm raises= Hold for 30-45 secs
- Glute bridge hold= 3x for 30 sec
- Alternating leg raises laying on back= 10-15x's
- Ab bicycle=10-15x's
Circuit D
(3-5 rounds)
- In and out jumps 10 forward = 3x’s
- Shoulder press (with dumbbell or band) =10-15x's
- Push Ups= 10-15x's
- Glute kick combo (side glute raise, donkey kicks) =10-15x's each exercise each side
- Side to side ab heel touches
Modification D
- Jump squats=15-20 x’s
- Plank shoulder taps=10-15x's each arm
- Pushups on knees=10-15x's
- Glute kick combo (side glute raise, donkey kicks)= 10-15x's each side
- Side to side ab heel touches
Circuit E
(3-5 rounds)
- Elevated split lunge using chair or bench= 10-15x's each leg
- Glute bridge with 3 sec hold at top= 10-15x's
- Triceps kickbacks (dumbbell or band, if have neither triceps dips on chair)=10-15x's
- Situp + Russian twist (sit-up into a core twist then lay back and repeat) =10-15x's
- Plank with air punches=10-15 times
- Wall sit 30 sec
Modification E
- Forward lunges=10-15 x’s each leg
- Glute bridge=10-15 x’s
- Tricep dips using chair= 10-15x's
- Situps = 10-15x's
- Lateral plank walks= 5 each way, 3x’s
- Wall sit 30 sec
Circuit F
(3-5 rounds)
- Reverse lunges with knee lifts= each leg 10-15x's
- Single leg bridge=10-15's
- Supermans with 3 second hold=10x’s
- Burpees= 10x’s
- Plank with shoulder taps= 10-15x's
Modification F
- Reverse lunges= each leg 10-15x's
- Side leg raises=10-15x's
- Supermans= 10x’s
- Donkey kickbacks= 15-20x's
- Jump squats or jumping jacks=20x’s
- Plank=30 Sec
Circuit G
(3-5 rounds)
- Traveling in and out squat jumps = 3x’s
- 25 walking lunges
- Bicep curls (with dumbbell or band)= 10-15x's
- Triceps dips = 10-15x's
- Pushups =10-15x’s
- Scissor kicks= 10-15x's each leg
Modification G
- Jump squats=20-30x's
- 15-20 walking lunges
- Forearm plank reach out=10-15x each arm
- Knee pushups= 10-15x's
- Leg raises= 10-15x's
Circuit H
(3-5 Rounds)
- Walking lunges=25x’s
- Kneeling to squat to kneeling repeat=10x’s
(Squat form, knee down one at a time then one knee back up after another into squat position repeat)
- Plank with side leg crunch each side = 10x’s each side
- Superman’s with alternating leg & arm lift=10x’s each side
- Inchworm= 10-15x's
Modification H
- Forward lunges=15-20x's
- Squats=15-20x's
- Mountain climbers=15-20x's
- Superman with arm extension=8-10x's
- Inchworm=8-10x's
06 Jan, 2021