Many of the vital community programs and services provided by the YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee are not supported by membership dollars—they’re supported by you. Much of our work is fueled by the generosity of neighbors helping neighbors. If you have a loved one who has been impacted by the YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee, establishing a memorial or a tribute gift, is a meaningful way to honor your loved one, while supporting the work of our mission. Honorary gifts may be given to celebrate anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, holidays, and other special occasions. Your gift will be a lasting tribute to your loved one and a way to make a difference in the Milwaukee community. Thank you for your generosity.

memorial gifts

In memory of Thomas L. Barnett

Hazel L. Barnett

In memory of Stew Brown

Lisa and Douglas Albregts
Thomas and Brenda Covert
Kent and Joyce Duesing
Mr. Marvin Ebel
Ms. Sharon Harvey
Ms. Phyllis M Kittel and Mr. John C Light
Ms. Judith A. Kratky
Mr. James Lipscomb
Dennis and Theresa Lowder
Paulette and Richard Lowder
Clark and Nancy Lupton
Ms. Grace V. Pike
Mr. Bruce Rasmussen
Ms. Marica Spiegelberg
William and Barbara Vuillemot

In memory of W. Stewart Davis

Bruce and Elizabeth Jacobs

In memory of Pam Halter

Ms. Sandra Kling
Roxanne and Alexander Mladenovich

In memory of Julius Hopfensperger

Joyce Hopfensperger

In memory of Dr. Ernest George Linke

Dr. Dennis J. Abere, D.D.S.
Mr. Michael Gradus
Ms. Carla Knobloch
Brian Maderi
Jean Schick

In memory of Bob Yamachika

Ms. Susan M. Brennan
Bob Heger
Barbara Hinowicz
Bruce and Elizabeth Jacobs
Mr. Burleigh E. Jacobs
Rick and Pauline Kim
Mr. Mark B. Krueger
Ms. Antoinette M. Mensah
Kathy Munson
National Insurance Services, Inc.
Dick and Bobbie Protzmann
Mr. Mike Schwieters
Annemarie and William Scobey-Polacheck
KT Tchang
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Thornton, Jr.
Joseph and Dawn Wankowski
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Weber

tribute gifts

In Honor oF PEter Drews

David and Roberta Drews

In honor of Mary Miner

Mr. Bruce Rasmussen

In honor of Brian and Mark Siegel

Ms. Ilse P. Haberer

In honor of Oliver and Jane Wierdsma

Mr. David J. Wierdsma

In honor of Kelly Whittle

Robert and Lida Iles