Please note:
Online registration for our YMCA Before and After School program is now closed. If you’d like to register your child for our YMCA Before and After School program, please select the location of your chose below, and download and complete the registration form. Completed registration forms can be turned in, by scanning and emailing the form to schoolage@ymcamke.org, or by dropping off the form at any YMCA of Metropolitan Milwaukee branch. Space is limited and registrations are processed in the order they are received.


School Age - 5

School Age - 1

fox point-bayside

Director: Sam Fairchild
Email: sfairchild@ymcamke.org
Phone: 414-357-1915

Stormonth Elementary (K4 Wrap location)

School Age - 4


Director: Malloree Ellis
Email: mellis@ymcamke.org
Phone: 414-357-1907

Maple Elementary
Willow Springs Elementary (K4 Wrap location)
Woodside Elementary



Director: Krissy Nesbit
Email: knesbit@ymcamke.org
Phone: 414-374-9462

Marcy Elementary
Lannon Elementary

Milwaukee public, private, charter schools

Director: Lizandra Rivera
Email: lrivera@ymcamke.org
Phone: 414-357-1917

Rocketship Community Prep (English version)
Rocketship Community Prep (Spanish version)
St. Augustine Preparatory Academy (English version)
St. Augustine Preparatory Academy (Spanish version)
Stellar Collegiate Charter (English version)
Stellar Collegiate Charter (Spanish version)

Director: Sam Fairchild
Email: sfairchild@ymcamke.org
Phone: 414-357-1915

Eastbrook Academy

Director: Krissy Nesbit
Email: knesbit@ymcamke.org
Phone: 414-374-9462

Hope Christian School: Prima and Semper
Messmer Catholic Schools: Saint Mary, Saint Rose

School Age - 2

South Milwaukee

Director: Scott Mours
Email: smours@ymcamke.org
Phone: 414-357-1912

Blakewood Elementary
EW Luther Elementary
Lakeview Elementary (K4 Wrap location)
Rawson Elementary

St. francis

Director: Scott Mours
Email: smours@ymcamke.org
Phone: 414-357-1912

Deer Creek Intermediate
Willow Glen Primary (K4 Wrap location)



Director: Lizandra Rivera
Email: lrivera@ymcamke.org
Phone: 414-357-1917

Edgerton Elementary
Hales Corners Elementary Schools


To access our parent handbook, medical forms, release agreements and snow emergency procedures for all of our locations, please click on the link below.

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